
Ceylon Youth Organaisation is a youth-led initiative dedicated to fostering civic engagement and community development in Sri Lanka. Through a two-fold approach, we aim to empower young people to drive positive change in their communities. The first element of our initiative involves hosting regular forums where youth come together to discuss pressing issues and propose initiatives to address them. The second element entails organizing volunteer programs to implement these initiatives and contribute to tangible improvements on the ground. Our focus for the upcoming year revolves around four key themes: Civil Administration, Digital Infrastructure, Water and Irrigation, and Health and Medical Policy. By collaborating with local and international partners, we seek to amplify our impact and create sustainable solutions to the challenges facing our nation.


Our primary goal is to provide a platform for young people to actively participate in decision-making processes that affect their communities. By hosting forums and engaging in dialogue, we aim to amplify the voices of youth and ensure their perspectives are considered in policy discussions and implementation efforts.

Through volunteer programs and community service initiatives, we seek to instill a sense of civic responsibility among young people. By actively contributing to the betterment of society, we aim to cultivate a culture of volunteerism and social activism among the youth population.

By focusing on four key themes – Civil Administration, Digital Infrastructure, Water and Irrigation, and Health and Medical Policy – we aim to address some of the most pressing challenges facing Sri Lanka today. By proposing innovative solutions and implementing practical interventions, we strive to make a meaningful impact in these critical areas.

We recognize that tackling complex issues requires collaboration and partnership. By working closely with local bodies, government agencies, and international organizations, we seek to leverage collective expertise and resources to achieve our goals more

Key Features

Youth Forums:

Our youth forums serve as a platform for open dialogue and idea exchange. Through these forums, young people have the opportunity to discuss key issues, propose initiatives, and collaborate on solutions.

Initiative Proposals:

Following each forum, participants have the opportunity to submit proposals for initiatives addressing the identified challenges. These proposals are then reviewed and refined before being presented to relevant stakeholders for consideration.

Volunteer Programs:

Once initiatives are approved, we organize volunteer programs to implement them on the ground. These programs involve community service activities, such as clean-up drives, educational workshops, health clinics, and infrastructure development projects.

Thematic Focus Areas:

Each year, we select thematic focus areas based on the most pressing challenges facing Sri Lanka. For the upcoming year, our focus will be on Civil Administration, Digital Infrastructure, Water and Irrigation, and Health and Medical Policy.

International Collaboration:

In addition to engaging with local stakeholders, we also collaborate with foreign organizations and international bodies to leverage global expertise and best practices in addressing local challenges.

Implementation Plan

Youth Forums: We will organize regular youth forums, with sessions held every few months, to facilitate ongoing dialogue and collaboration among young people. These forums will be conducted both in-person and virtually to maximize participation and inclusivity.

Initiative Development: Following each forum, participants will have the opportunity to submit proposals for initiatives addressing the identified challenges. These proposals will be reviewed by a panel of experts and stakeholders before being finalized for implementation.

Volunteer Programs: Once initiatives are approved, we will organize volunteer programs to implement them on the ground. These programs will be designed in collaboration with local communities and relevant stakeholders to ensure they meet the needs and priorities of the target beneficiaries.

Thematic Focus Areas: Our thematic focus areas for the upcoming year – Civil Administration, Digital Infrastructure, Water and Irrigation, and Health and Medical Policy – will guide our efforts and priorities in initiative development and implementation.

International Collaboration: We will actively seek partnerships with foreign organizations and international bodies to share knowledge, resources, and best practices in addressing the identified challenges. These partnerships will enhance our capacity to achieve meaningful impact and sustainability.

Sustainability Plan

We will continue to build and strengthen partnerships with local and international stakeholders, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, corporate sponsors, and foreign donors. These partnerships will provide financial support, in-kind contributions, and technical assistance to sustain our initiatives.

We will explore various sources of funding, including grants, donations, sponsorships, and membership fees, to support the ongoing operation and expansion of our programs. Additionally, we will actively seek opportunities for cost-sharing and revenue generation to enhance our financial sustainability.

We will invest in capacity building initiatives to enhance the skills and capabilities of our team members and volunteers. By providing training and professional development opportunities, we will empower them to effectively manage and scale our programs over time.


Ceylon Youth Organaisation is committed to empowering young people to drive positive change in Sri Lanka. Through our youth forums and volunteer programs, we aim to foster civic engagement, address key societal challenges, and promote collaboration among diverse stakeholders. By focusing on thematic areas such as Civil Administration, Digital Infrastructure, Water and Irrigation, and Health and Medical Policy, we strive to create lasting impact and contribute to the sustainable development of our nation. With the support of our partners and the dedication of our volunteers, we are confident in our ability to make a meaningful difference in the lives of communities across Sri Lanka

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